Empowering Women: Menopause Awareness Month 2023 and the Benefits of CBD

Image of women in the different stages of menopause


October Menopause Awareness Month 2023: Embracing Change and Empowering Women

October is more than just a month of falling leaves and cozy evenings; it's a time dedicated to raising awareness about menopause, a transformative phase that every woman experiences. Menopause Awareness Month 2023 provides an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of this natural transition, fostering understanding and support for women navigating this journey. In this blog post, we not only explore the significance of Menopause Awareness Month but also shed light on a promising ally in managing menopausal symptoms: CBD.

Understanding Menopause: The stages

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. While many people think of menopause as a single event, it actually occurs in several stages, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Let's explore the stages of menopause:

  • Perimenopause:
    • Age Range: Typically begins in the late 30s to early 40s but can start earlier.
    • Duration: Can last several years, often around 4-8 years.
    • Hormonal Fluctuations: Hormone levels, especially estrogen, start to decline, leading to irregular periods and various symptoms.
    • Common Symptoms: Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irregular periods, and changes in libido.
    • Fertility: Still possible, but decreases as perimenopause progresses.
  •  Menopause:
    • Age Range: Generally occurs around the age of 51, but can vary widely.
    • Duration: Technically, menopause is defined as the point when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months.
    • Hormonal Changes: Estrogen levels remain consistently low.
    • Common Symptoms: Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, sleep disturbances, and changes in skin and hair.
    • Fertility: Women are no longer able to conceive naturally.
  •  Post-Menopause:
    • Age Range: Begins after a woman has gone through menopause.
    • Duration: It lasts for the rest of a woman's life.
    • Hormonal Stability: Estrogen levels remain low and stable.
    • Common Symptoms: Many of the symptoms that occur during perimenopause and menopause may persist but typically become less severe over time.
    • Health Considerations: Post-menopausal women are at a higher risk for certain health conditions, including osteoporosis and heart disease. Regular health check-ups and a healthy lifestyle are essential.
  • Surgical Menopause:
    • Cause:** Occurs when the ovaries are surgically removed (oophorectomy) before natural menopause.
    • Immediate Menopause: Because surgical removal stops hormone production abruptly, women experience menopausal symptoms suddenly.
    • Symptoms: Can be more intense initially, but may gradually improve over time.
    • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT):** Often recommended to manage symptoms and prevent long-term health issues.

Each woman's experience of menopause is unique, and the duration and severity of symptoms can vary widely. It's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss your individual needs and options for managing symptoms and maintaining overall health during this life transition.

Remember, menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, and with the right support and information, it can be navigated with confidence and grace. 

Breaking Barriers: Menopause Stigma and Misconceptions

As we have said above Menopause is a natural and inevitable phase in a woman's life, yet it often remains shrouded in stigma and surrounded by misconceptions. This lack of understanding can impact women's experiences and well-being. Let's break down some common menopause myths and challenge the stigma:

  • Myth 1: Menopause is a Taboo Topic
    • Reality: Menopause is a normal part of aging, affecting every woman at some point. It should not be a taboo subject. Open conversations can empower women to seek support and share experiences.
  •  Myth 2: Menopause Only Means Hot Flashes
    • Reality: While hot flashes are a well-known symptom, menopause involves a range of physical and emotional changes. These include night sweats, mood swings, sleep disturbances, changes in libido, and more. It's not just about hot flashes.
  • Myth 3: Menopause is a Sign of Old Age
    • Reality: Menopause typically occurs around the age of 51, but it can start much earlier. It's a natural biological process, not an indicator of old age. Women continue to lead fulfilling and active lives during and after menopause.
  • Myth 4: Menopause Equals the End of Fertility
    • Reality: While fertility declines during perimenopause, it's not zero. Some women may still conceive during this phase. It's crucial to use contraception until menopause is confirmed to avoid unplanned pregnancies.
  • Myth 5: All Women Experience Menopause the Same Way
    • Reality: Menopause experiences are highly individual. Some women breeze through it with minimal symptoms, while others face significant challenges. Factors like genetics and overall health play a role in how menopause is experienced.
  • Myth 6: Menopause is a Medical Condition Requiring Treatment
    • Reality: Menopause itself is not a medical condition. It's a natural biological transition. However, some women may choose hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or other treatments to manage symptoms like hot flashes and osteoporosis.
  • Myth 7: Menopause is Only a Physical Change
    • Reality: Menopause can also have emotional and psychological aspects. Mood swings, anxiety, and depression can be linked to hormonal changes. Mental health support is essential during this time.

Challenging these misconceptions and addressing the stigma around menopause is essential for women's overall well-being. It's time to foster understanding, create safe spaces for discussion, and support women on their menopausal journey. Education and open dialogue are powerful tools in breaking down the barriers associated with menopause.

CBD and Menopause: A Natural Partnership

In recent years, Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant, has gained attention for its potential therapeutic benefits. Research suggests that CBD may help manage various symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. Its interaction with the endocannabinoid system in the body contributes to a sense of balance and homeostasis, making it a promising option for menopausal symptom relief.

Benefits of CBD for Menopause

1. Hot Flush Relief: CBD's calming effects may help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, providing much-needed comfort during this challenging time. Using the Temple Moment with its cooling roller will help relieve hot flushes

2. Mood Regulation: Menopause can bring mood swings and anxiety. CBD's potential to regulate mood can offer emotional stability, promoting a sense of well-being.  Having a self-care routine can help improve mood, we would recommend taking some 'me' time with a hot bath routine using our lavender Bath Melt and our Massage Candle  which is blended with aromatherapy oils and CBD oil so you have the true aroma of bringing that relaxing spa smell to your home.

3. Improved Sleep: Sleep disturbances are common during menopause. CBD's relaxing properties may aid in achieving better sleep quality, ensuring women wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.  We would recommend using our Temple Moment with soothing Lavender and evening primrose essential oils as well as CBD will help promote calm and sleep.

4. Pain Management: Menopausal women often experience joint and muscle pain. CBD's anti-inflammatory properties can contribute to pain relief, enhancing overall comfort.  Our Moment Balm is a self heating CBD balm that gently self-heats on the skin, helping to sooth muscle pain. 

5. Stress Reduction: CBD's ability to reduce stress and anxiety can positively impact the mental and emotional well-being of women going through menopause.

Empowering Women Through Knowledge and Support

Menopause Awareness Month 2023 is not just a month; it's a movement that empowers women with knowledge, support, and resources. By understanding the natural evolution of menopause and exploring innovative solutions like CBD, we can enhance the quality of life for women undergoing this transformative journey. Let's embrace change, foster understanding, and stand together in empowering every woman to navigate menopause with grace and confidence.